I have a brand new machine with windows 2000 pro with all the service paks
and security fix's on it. I have an on board NIC card and have a workgroup
that I have joined and can access all the resorces on the network with no
problem. I am unable to access the internet. I have done a release and
renew and I have re-installed IE6 but still nothing. I have tried to install
another NIC card just to see what would happen and then I was unable to
access the network as well as the internet. Anyone have any suggestions as
to what is going on here?
I have a brand new machine with windows 2000 pro with all the service paks
and security fix's on it. I have an on board NIC card and have a workgroup
that I have joined and can access all the resorces on the network with no
problem. I am unable to access the internet. I have done a release and
renew and I have re-installed IE6 but still nothing. I have tried to install
another NIC card just to see what would happen and then I was unable to
access the network as well as the internet. Anyone have any suggestions as
to what is going on here?