I recently had my computer die, however, the hard drive seems OK. I hooked
up the hard drive to a external reader and can see all the contents and
access everything with no problems. However, when I go into c:\documents and
settings\ and double click on my name is says "Access Denied".
How can I get my files? I believe the O/S was Windows XP Professional. I
tried "right" clicking on my name and choose properties, but there is nothing
there on security.
up the hard drive to a external reader and can see all the contents and
access everything with no problems. However, when I go into c:\documents and
settings\ and double click on my name is says "Access Denied".
How can I get my files? I believe the O/S was Windows XP Professional. I
tried "right" clicking on my name and choose properties, but there is nothing
there on security.