un-smooth flow in final movie? Papajohn help?

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This may be an extension from my 3/3/06 post. I've created a 18GB DH-AVI
file from PS3 and WMM. The clip runs smoothly and looks great. I want to
make the best possible, univerally operating DVD with menu and chapters.
Seeing many mentions of Tsunami encoder software I ended up buying their Easy
Pack containing authoring software.

I've converted the original DH-AVI file to MPEG-1 (4.2GM in size) with
encoder, added the menu, etc., in thier Author prgm, but the resultant DVD,
after burnng 4 different copies with slight modifications, always ends up
running jerky in movement as though it misses the smooth tracking of the
original DH-AVI file.

1. Is this symtematic of mpeg-1files? Note: When I play the mpeg file it
appears not as smooth as the DH-AVI file but certainly acceptable.

2. Should I expect better from my authoring software; has anyone heard
negative feedback from that offerred by Tsunami in this regard?

3. If anyone is familiar with the Tsunami Authoring software could you
please suggest website material where this type of problem solving may be
found. Please don't suggest their website as I find it next to useless.

4. Should I be looking into software that handles the MPEG-2 formatting and
burn my DVD from that?

Yes, mpeg-2 is higher quality. However, should I accept my mpeg-1 file as
being adequate, please explain why I'm getting considerably poorer results
once it is authored and burned to a DVD. The mpeg-1 plays fine; the
resultant DVD is a deterioration of movement flow. Could this be symtomatic
of a video running in excess of an hour, 1 hr 26min exactly? Although,
Tsunami authoring program has spread the mpeg-1 file throughout 4.2GB on the
disk so I can only presume that it is maximizing the use of the mpeg-1 date.
If my stumbling block is the Authoring tool, do you think it would operate
better if I were to feed it a mpeg-2 file in light of the fact that it can't
seem to duplicate flow of an mpeg-1 file?
You would get better results if you converted the dv-avi file to mpeg2. You
would also have to use a dual layer disc or two discs for 1 1/2 hours
without compromising the quality again to fit it on one disc.

Why your disc should be not playing smoothly though is of a concern. Is this
in a dvd payer? On your pc? Have you checked if your dvd player can play vcd
type discs? www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
Please correct me if I'm wrong. You are saying that if I were to encode my
18GB data into a mpeg-2 format file instead of the mpeg-1 file, although the
mpeg-1 file plays "smoothly", and import that file into Tsunami Author (TDA)
the resultant DVD would have an appreciable improvement in movement flow
although they both would be the same volume size, approx 4.2GB.

On the playback issue, thus far I've only played back my DVD's on my PC DVD
player. I don't know if it plays VCD as I don't use that media. I'd rush to
my TV DVD player with each copy but a week ago my TV took a dump. The new
set should be arriving any day. However, I've always been under the
impression that a picture in a PC monitor is superior to a TV. Am I wrong on
hkoons said:
Please correct me if I'm wrong. You are saying that if I were to encode
18GB data into a mpeg-2 format file instead of the mpeg-1 file, although
mpeg-1 file plays "smoothly", and import that file into Tsunami Author
the resultant DVD would have an appreciable improvement in movement flow
although they both would be the same volume size, approx 4.2GB.

On the playback issue, thus far I've only played back my DVD's on my PC
player. I don't know if it plays VCD as I don't use that media. I'd rush
my TV DVD player with each copy but a week ago my TV took a dump. The new
set should be arriving any day. However, I've always been under the
impression that a picture in a PC monitor is superior to a TV. Am I wrong

We are all agreed you should be opting for mpeg2.
The only time I've experianced "jerky" motion in playback....
I'm UK, our standard is Pal 625 lines/25frs etc.
If I convert original broadcast or commercial release
NTSC formats (525/30frs) to PAL, I will get that "jerky"
effect to motion within the film. Otherwise I don't know
what the cause is?
Agian, thanks for the reply.

I've made more copies of my DVD, experimental copies only, to find the same
results. In frustration I've set it aside awaiting new software when I can
encode in the mpeg-2 format. It should arrive any day. In the meantime the
new TV arrived yesterday. I hope to have it set up by the end of the day
giving me, once again, the ability to check my results outside my computer.

For now, I'll sign off this post, work with the new software and hope that
everything will resolve itself.

Note to anyone seeking solution to similar problems, a future reply to this
should send an email to me after which I'll get back to thread to report my