un deletable mesage

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i was sending a message to a friend and to save time i replied to a old
message but changed the subject, when i pressed send a error massege
appeared! the message then went to my outbox but would not send, neither
would any other mail either, there are now aroung 5 emails stuck in my outbox
only one which wont delete. I am recieving email fine, Please Help!!!!

Nick Golding
You have hit upon the Windows Mail Achilles heel!
Once you get a 'ghost' email stuck in the outbox, and it won't let you
send out anything, your options are quite limited.
If you don't feel comfortable doing the database deletion/regeneration
method that has been recommended by Steve Cochran, then your
only remaining option is to install and use a different email program.
Mozilla Thunderbird is free:

Gary VanderMolen
goldingnick said:
i was sending a message to a friend and to save time i replied to a old
message but changed the subject, when i pressed send a error massege
appeared! the message then went to my outbox but would not send, neither
would any other mail either, there are now aroung 5 emails stuck in my
only one which wont delete. I am recieving email fine, Please Help!!!!

Nick Golding

Have you tried marking the message as read and then deleting it? That's
what I've been doing and so far it has always worked. Other things:

Try repairing the database with WMUtil from www.oehelp.com

There are two copies of WindowsMail.MSMessageStore, One in
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Microsoft\Windows Mail
and one in
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Backup\New
If you delete both of these the database will be rebuilt. However, while no
messages should be lost, some may be downloaded again and you may lose some
record of which have been read. I recommend that you only do this when they
are causing you trouble, like when they are in the Outbox. Otherwise I now
just mark them as read and ignore them.