Versions of Linux, usually server editions, are sold to Corporations and I do believe computer builders/suppliers such as Dell pay a small fee to put Linux on a retail selling computer.
Linux Distros are actually free. Only cost as far as I can see is the bandwidth to download it but there again if you're paying a monthly fee for a set amount of bandwidth, well.... it's a freebie innit?
There is another alternative - Apple. The Apple OS is based on Unix and Linux is based on....... Unix.
The name Linux comes from a combination of Linus & Unix.
Bill Gates was quite bright at one time, he did put DOS together, albeit with a lot of help from others. Lots of the help he received was free, actually. In the late eighties/early nineties Billy boy used to phone the UK to speak to an old mate of mine, Tim.
Tim is a computer nut, always has been and Bill used to ask him for suggestions to make DOS work. They chewed the fat regularly, apparently, and some things Tim suggested were integrated into Mr Gates' fledgling operating system.
Of course, Billy Boy Gates being what he is, once he made his loot he never spoke to Tim again and Tim never saw a penny from helping Mr Gates out. All Tim has is the somewhat dubious satisfaction of knowing he's responsible for at least some small part of Windows.
No doubt ol Gatesy dropped other friends, advisors, helpers, like hot potatoas once he got established.
You see, we look at Linus Torvald, a friendly guy who wanted to make a free OS that worked and bascially help everybody out and get everyone involved - open source.
Whereas Mr Gates just took the money and ran.
William Gates is the epitome of Microsoft really, a selfish, conniving ripoff bastard. In my opinion a nasty piece of work. Don't be blinded by his charity contributions, they're mostly just to ease any conscience he has and to try and convince the public he's a nice guy. He isn't.
Gates surrounded himself with evil people as well, who probably influenced him and steered him on the course he took. Just Google Steve Bulmer and read about his antics. He truly deserves a punch on the nose.
So we don't leave out Apple, they're only there to make money but they make no bones about it 'Sure our systems are more expensive but hell they look good and work well don't they?'
And they do.
And that's how I see things. I only wish game developers would port to Linux, I really think I'd make the effort to use Linux exclusively then. Oh, and all the hardware manufacturers supplied Linux drivers, including wireless networks, printers, scanners, mp3 players etc etc. Linux is good but it's still got a long way to go, mostly because everything's money driven and HP, Epson et al know which side their bread is buttered and often only supply Windows drivers.
Ok, Mr Stomp, STFU, you is rabbiting excessively again....