I have an Asus M2N-SLI Deluxe mb, 8GB of RAM, AMD 6000, EVGA 8600GTS. The
install completes Copying Windows Files, Expanding Files, Installing
Features, Installing Updates and then begins the restart countdown. Once the
system restarts Windows splash screen comes up and then dumps with error
IRQL_LESS_OR_NOT_EQUAL . I'm on my third clean install and have disabled the
on board Audio. Suggestions please or 400 bucks down the drain?
install completes Copying Windows Files, Expanding Files, Installing
Features, Installing Updates and then begins the restart countdown. Once the
system restarts Windows splash screen comes up and then dumps with error
IRQL_LESS_OR_NOT_EQUAL . I'm on my third clean install and have disabled the
on board Audio. Suggestions please or 400 bucks down the drain?