Amazon UK have the Full version of Vista Ultimate available for pre-order
325 GBP!! That's 616 USD at the current rate!
Someone please tell me this is a mistake (not that UK citizens ever get
ripped off LOL)
I agree: if that price is correct, you in the U.K are definitely getting
ripped off.
Of course, EVERYONE is getting ripped off by the prices Microsoft is
charging for its new OS.
But I guess the U.K. price has more to do with your own government than
with Microsoft. Perhaps you should start a movement in G.B. to lower the
U.K. tariffs on products being sold by U.S. Companies.
Or, have a friend in the U.S. purchase Vista for you when it is released
January, then mail it to you for a few dollars. Of course, it WILL have
U.S. English on the Desktop and keyboard layout, but hey, what's a few
vowels between friends?
We ARE friends, aren't we?
(Please don't judge us by our P[Resident-Idiot], Mr. George H. W. Bush,
Hopefully, he will go away by January 21, 2009. Only a few more years of
his idiocy remain (unless, of course, he decides to change our
to make himself P[Resident-Idiot]-for-Life -- God! What a horrible
thought!!!). If that happens, PLEASE invade us, and take us back. Better
a figure-head Queen than "First Citizen" Bush (after all, she IS a
fairly-decent person, and would probably make a good figure-head ruler for
us. We could name our daughters after her, and her profile would be
striking on our Dollar coins. Susan B. Anthony is kind of "plain-Jane",
and is rather divisive to boot.)
Anyway, I surely hope the world can stand those few years. After all, we
seemed to get through the Great Depression with only a little wear and
on the Constitution, and it lasted over 15 years (here in the U.S, at
I hope it all works out for you in the end.
Man! $600 for an OS!!!
I know Vista's good, but not THAT good.