
May 16, 2008
Reaction score
hi all im new to this i have probs getting on to my internet pages there very slow or i cannt get on them. iv only had this prob since the once when i went to close down some thing came up saying uipopuphidden trying to close i dont know what it is iv tryed looking for it and cant find it and i dont know how to get rid of it iv tryed scanning with Spybot - Search & Destroy , ccleaner , cwshredder , Trojan Remover , PC Washer , PCguard , RegistryFix and hijack this and none of them can find it or get rid of it so please can some one help me please
You don't mention any antivirus suite installed...are you by any chance with Telewest/NTL and have NTL Netguard or Freedom AV installed?
wow once i disabled PCguard and rebooted evry internet page i want comes on fast so it must be down to the pcguard ???
Looks that way - I'm assuming the uipopuphidden issue didn't come up this time either?

I would uninstall PCguard and use another free AV suite such as AntiVir :nod:
iv had a play about with pc guard and all this seems to only happen when i have the identity theft protection on. thanks for all your help m8 nice 1 for that :bow:
Glad its sorted.....although I would still use AntiVir rather than PCguard though ;)