I came across your postings regarding MDI with UIP v2. Have you had any
luck? I am struggling with the same problems. The hooks are certainly
there in UIP v2 to support MDI -- if you look at the code that creates
the form (in the UIP) it does check to see if the parent form for a
particular window is an MDIContainer, and if so creates the new window as an MDIChild.
The code is in the WinFormViewManager class starting at line 205:
//Get the parent form
Form parentForm = (Form)GetProperty( taskId, ParentFormKey );
if (winFormView.IsMdiContainer || viewSettings.CanHaveFloatingWindows)
StoreProperty(taskId, ParentFormKey, winFormView);
else if (parentForm != null)
if( parentForm.IsMdiContainer )
winFormView.MdiParent = parentForm;
else if(viewSettings.IsFloatable)
winFormView.TopLevel = true;
Problem is I can't figure out how to send a reference of the parent
in... every time I get to this code block the parent evaluates as null, so the form is created as a standalone. I went so far as to hardcode the creation of a new form (set up as an MDIContainer) in the UIP code and set it to the UIP's parent property and the code worked -- if only I can figure out how to pass the reference of the parent in when I start a task...
Any thoughts???
Thanks, Ciao
Ross Smith
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