UI help -- where to begin?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ray
  • Start date Start date


Hello ....

I'm currently using Excel to hold data and also 'generate' reports,
etc. I'd like to separate these functions, using Access as the UI for
reports, etc. I'm familiar with building queries in Access, but
absolutely no experience in the reporting functionalities.

I'm looking for some websites that would give me some guidance on the
following types of questions:
1) WHEN to use Access for reports (vs Excel)
2) how to create userforms
3) how to code userforms
4) utilizing userform input as criteria in queries

I'm fairly adept at VBA (for Excel) but not sure how to use the
"macro' funtionality in Access ...

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!

Thanks, Ray

If you know VBA then forget about macros - you don't want to use

I'm not sure if this is "good" advice - but take a look at the forms
in the Northwind database. They may give you some ideas on how to
create/code forms.

As far as reporting goes, do you distribute electronic or paper copies
(or both) of your reports? A .xls file is nice if someone needs to
edit the report.

I hope you get a better answer from someone else.

Hello ....

I'm currently using Excel to hold data and also 'generate' reports,
etc. I'd like to separate these functions, using Access as the UI for
reports, etc. I'm familiar with building queries in Access, but
absolutely no experience in the reporting functionalities.

I'm looking for some websites that would give me some guidance

Jeff Conrad's resources page:

The Access Web resources page:

A free tutorial written by Crystal (MS Access MVP):

MVP Allen Browne's tutorials:
on the
following types of questions:
1) WHEN to use Access for reports (vs Excel)

When you want to report Access data, or Excel data using Access' very powerful
report generator. I'm biased toward Access of course.
2) how to create userforms

Using the Access user interface on the Forms tab. The forms wizards will give
you a basic start, but you can create a new form, or open an existing form, in
Design view; add and remove Controls (which display the data in Fields in your
table), move them around, add other types of controls such as tab pages, etc.
See the tutorials.
3) how to code userforms

You can get a great deal done with no code at all. "How to code" is a very big
topic; there are some good 600 page books on the subject - a bit much for a
newsgroup post!
4) utilizing userform input as criteria in queries

This is a very standard and useful technique: use a criterion in your query of
the form


where the control must be *UNBOUND* (no Control Source, not linked to any
I'm fairly adept at VBA (for Excel) but not sure how to use the
"macro' funtionality in Access ...

Excel Macros are VBA code, parallel to Access Modules. Access Macros (although
Microsoft is pushing them hard for the 2007 edition) are much less powerful
and flexible (i.e. no looping, very limited branching, nonprocedural). I'd
concentrate on doing any needed coding in VBA instead.

John W. Vinson [MVP]
Thanks to both of you ... good info in both posts!

I'm sure I'll be back to these forums for help on specific issues as
time goes on ....

Rgds, ray