Hello all
In a vb6 project, which I am trying to rewrite in dot.net, I am reading some
random access files (created long ago in QuickBasic!) where each record
bears a number of data elements. Here is a fragment of code from a module.
Option Explicit
Public FBU As DataBlock1
Public Type DataBlock1 ' company master information (FBU)
BusName As String * 30
Address1 As String * 30
Address2 As String * 30
Postcode As String * 6
Tel As String * 20
Fax As String * 20
Email As String * 30
RegForGST As String * 1
ABN As String * 15
GSTPeriod As String * 1
STS As String * 1
OpeningCapital As Currency ' 8
GSTRate As Currency ' 8
CodesAlreadySetFlag As String * 1
Spare1 As String * 54
End Type
This is of course a user defined type which extracts the data fields by
length explicitly. Can anyone point me at the right syntax for dot.net
(specifically Visual Basic Express 2008).
Many thanks
In a vb6 project, which I am trying to rewrite in dot.net, I am reading some
random access files (created long ago in QuickBasic!) where each record
bears a number of data elements. Here is a fragment of code from a module.
Option Explicit
Public FBU As DataBlock1
Public Type DataBlock1 ' company master information (FBU)
BusName As String * 30
Address1 As String * 30
Address2 As String * 30
Postcode As String * 6
Tel As String * 20
Fax As String * 20
Email As String * 30
RegForGST As String * 1
ABN As String * 15
GSTPeriod As String * 1
STS As String * 1
OpeningCapital As Currency ' 8
GSTRate As Currency ' 8
CodesAlreadySetFlag As String * 1
Spare1 As String * 54
End Type
This is of course a user defined type which extracts the data fields by
length explicitly. Can anyone point me at the right syntax for dot.net
(specifically Visual Basic Express 2008).
Many thanks