Udma disabled in WinXP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Defiant
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I just installed a new Maxtor 160 Gb harddrive in my computer and windows
will not let me enable UDMA in system control panel it's stuck in PIO mode.
I have also uninstalled the drivers in device manager several times and
still it won't go into Udma mode.
I have done the registry update from Microsoft and the Harddrive shows at
boot to be running at max 133 Udma.
I Am running Windows XP Sp2, using a K7AMA Ecs motherboard. Bios is 8/12/02
kinda old but still works fine.
can't find a newer one.
can't find any Ide drivers for this board either.
my old harddrive ran Udma fine, it was a Maxtor 30 Gb udma running udma mode
66 and it shows up as running Udma mode,
I copied all my files over from my old harddrive using Maxblast 4. I have
also ran defrag and Chkdsk using the /f option no problems found.
Any help would be appreciated
sorry I guess I should clarify, I meant only in the bios screen at boot, in
windows its running in PIO mode
Defiant said:
I just installed a new Maxtor 160 Gb harddrive in my computer and windows
will not let me enable UDMA in system control panel it's stuck in PIO
I have also uninstalled the drivers in device manager several times and
still it won't go into Udma mode.
I have done the registry update from Microsoft and the Harddrive shows at
boot to be running at max 133 Udma.
I Am running Windows XP Sp2, using a K7AMA Ecs motherboard. Bios is
8/12/02 kinda old but still works fine.
can't find a newer one.
can't find any Ide drivers for this board either.
my old harddrive ran Udma fine, it was a Maxtor 30 Gb udma running udma
mode 66 and it shows up as running Udma mode,
I copied all my files over from my old harddrive using Maxblast 4. I have
also ran defrag and Chkdsk using the /f option no problems found.
Any help would be appreciated


Defiant till the end

go to:

delete the keys:
* MasterIdDataChecksum
* SlaveIdDataChecksum
From the appropriate number (eg, 0001 from the above path) for the drive.
The "MatchingDeviceId" under the number key shows which channel it is, then
delete the master or slave entry.

If you cant figure out which number corresponds to which drive and dont know
if its master / slave, just delete those two entries from all of the
numbered keys, it wont cause any harm.

Then reboot the PC.
Well i posted the same kind of problem yesterday too. I'll try to
update the bios first and i'll let you know!

See you!

go to:

delete the keys:
* MasterIdDataChecksum
* SlaveIdDataChecksum
From the appropriate number (eg, 0001 from the above path) for the drive.
The "MatchingDeviceId" under the number key shows which channel it is, then
delete the master or slave entry.

If you cant figure out which number corresponds to which drive and dont know
if its master / slave, just delete those two entries from all of the
numbered keys, it wont cause any harm.

Then reboot the PC.

nope didn't work tried it just like you said and it's still in pio mode.
I just don't understand this, it will not go into Udma mode even if it is a
slave drive I put my old drive back in and made this drive a slave and still
no Udma.
Anything else I can try? this is frustrating.
thanks again, Defiant
The majority of the fixes for this type of problem are:

1) Use a 80 wire/40 pin UDMA 133 IDE cable

2) Istalled the enhance Ultra DMA IDE drivers, which are normally part of
the motherbaord chipset drivers. The motherbaord manufacturer (ECS) should
have sent a CD with the motherboard. You should be able to download the
driver from ECS's web site.

Also, if the motherboard uses one of the standard chipset, you could
try drivers from the chipset maker:
Intel www.intel.com -- Note: Intel has
"split" the IDE driver off the chipset drivers. Now known as Intel
Application Accelerator.
VIA www.viatech.com
nVidia www.nvidia.com
no updated drivers from ECS for Win XP for this board, I installed the Hard
drive cable that came with the harddrive from Maxtor.
and the Chip set is Acer and again I found no updated drivers for this
Looks pretty hopeless...here are some things I've learnt over the years to
try on the problem. I went onto the ECS website and I was disappointed to
find a lack of drivers for their older boards.

Try downloading the new VIA drivers from this URL (I think it may not be
your exact board, it has an extra 3 behind it but that might be a revision,
the VIA driver should be the same):

Reboot your system. If there is still a problem, unplug your computer, pull
off your case cover and unplug/replug the IDE cable a few times at the drive
and board ends. That is a trick a friend gave me when I had severe drive
detection problems with a WD drive at BIOS level. It fixed the problem.

Absolute last resort, flash the BIOS.


I don't know if you still have this problem but if so let me know
because i resolved the same problem on the PC of a friend, so if it can
help you, i'll be pleased to give you more informations about what i


No I haven't resolved this problem and I'm at my wits end with it.
please send me any information you may have regarding this problem.

I don't know if you still have this problem but if so let me know
because i resolved the same problem on the PC of a friend, so if it can
help you, i'll be pleased to give you more informations about what i


First of all, apologies for posting from Google Groups, don't have a
newsreader handy.

My experience on this topic was very similar - 300GB HDD, Maxtor
DiamondMax 10. Windows XP refused, in any configuration, to accept more
than PIO mode. Went through all the hacks on the Internet etc.

The problem was only "solved" when I downloaded drivers from my
motherboard manufacturer (Asus A7A266-E) to replace the default Windows
drivers for the IDE channels. The attached utility now shows the drive
running at full speed and performance tests more or less marry up.
Unfortunately the drivers are quite old and not 'signed' - in fact,
they are listed as beta but thankfully no problems so far. They just
show up in Device Manager a bit weird, i.e. as two scsi channels.

I wonder whether this is actually a Maxtor problem as opposed a Windows
one? Perhaps there is something in the drive firmware that is forcing
Windows to take it in PIO mode. The BIOS is perfectly happy though.
My experience on this topic was very similar - 300GB HDD, Maxtor
DiamondMax 10. Windows XP refused, in any configuration, to accept more
than PIO mode. Went through all the hacks on the Internet etc.
The problem was only "solved" when I downloaded drivers from my
motherboard manufacturer (Asus A7A266-E) to replace the default Windows
drivers for the IDE channels.
Unfortunately the drivers are quite old and not 'signed' - in fact,
they are listed as beta but thankfully no problems so far.

Jeez, you run your HD's ife blood through beta drivers? What
pathetically half-assed PoS motherboard chipset is this?

(does the Google thing...)


ALi chipset. Above link is 404.

Well, it may be mighty brand-name ASUS, but it looks like a naff
chipset. One might wonder why premium-priced motherboard vendors make
motherboards from el cheapo chipsets; the answer's the same as why
Nike don't actually manufacture shoes - just ads and media campaigns.

Er... sanity-check:
- if UIDE, you do have an 80-pin ribbon cable, right?
- you aren't overclocking the PCI or UIDE, are you?

--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -
Tech Support: The guys who follow the
'Parade of New Products' with a shovel.
Jeez, you run your HD's ife blood through beta drivers? What
pathetically half-assed PoS motherboard chipset is this?

(does the Google thing...)

Yeah, I feel a bit *wrong* doing it, but I'm not living my life in PIO

am getting the odd blue-screen though, apparently down to a device
driver says Windows OCA. But not like these didn't appear before. The
system probably needs a rebuild after three years of running.
naff chipset.

It's an ALi-M1647 chipset. Very possibly naff, though this is the first
time I've ever come across this.
Er... sanity-check:
- if UIDE, you do have an 80-pin ribbon cable, right?

Yes it is, and it worked fine with previous Maxtor UDMA6 drives.
- you aren't overclocking the PCI or UIDE, are you?
