The disk you have may be an expensive CD-RW media, but the
Windows XP burner only does CD-R format. The only question I
have is, because I've never used the built-in XP burning
software, is did (was) the CD finalized.
| I used the generic software that's part of Win XP (been
| using for last couple of years w/no problem). I can read
| the CD-RW in my DVD drive, but can't do anything with it
| in my Burner. I CAN burn a fresh CD-RW, but once burned,
| the burner does not even recognize that there is a CD in
| the drive.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Do you know what program was used to write the CD-RW
| disk?
| >
| >
| >| >| Downloaded and installed the UDF Reader available on
| >| Roxio site. No change. Still can't perform any
| >| operations on a used CD-RW disc, including viewing the
| >| files.
| >|
| >| Any other suggestions. Thanks.
| >
| >
| >.
| >