Ubuntu Tweak - Tweaking your OS to perfection


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
Ubuntu Tweak is a great piece of software which is mandatory for those who lack the real skills to maintain and manage the box especially those who do not like text based command line options and prefer GUI route.

This software not only cleans up the system but will tweak different hidden settings on your machine to your personal liking. It will clean up the packages and old kernel images to free up hard disk space. It will also give you the ability to customise your desktop settings and configure compiz advanced desktop settings in a very easy to follow process. You will not be guessing but actually getting things done without making mistakes if you were to go the terminal route.

This is not a new software for me but have been using it for sometime now and can recommend it to anyone on the forum who would like to try it.
Another thing: there is a very useful "extra repositories section" – whether it be Google or Opera or develop version of Firefox or or or... it's likely to be there... and the repositories are easily added (or removed).

I think Ubuntu Tweak is a brilliant piece of software!
Urmas said:
Another thing: there is a very useful "extra repositories section" – whether it be Google or Opera or develop version of Firefox or or or... it's likely to be there... and the repositories are easily added (or removed).

I think Ubuntu Tweak is a brilliant piece of software!

Urmas, thank you for the things that I forgot to add, yes you point out some very important things Ubuntu Tweak can do.
Yup, possible... although I don't know how well it takes into account the "minty modifications" (compared with "plain *buntus").
Yes I did use it with the previous version Mint 8 and did not have any issues so I guess this new version of Mint will be able to take advantage of it too.
Looks like this software is not just appreciated by those new to Linux but seasoned users of Linux as well. It is getting better and more powerful as time passes and some even think it should be a mandatory software for those who use Ubuntu. It makes life easier. :thumb:
Another thing: there is a very useful "extra repositories section" – whether it be Google or Opera or develop version of Firefox or or or... it's likely to be there... and the repositories are easily added (or removed).

I think Ubuntu Tweak is a brilliant piece of software!
where ?