species8350 wrote:
|| species8350 wrote:
|> |Hi,
|> |
|> |I need to run Vista with UAC switched off when listening to a
|> |programme.
|> |
|> |If the site is relaible, say the BBC, is it safe to do this
|provided I > |do not link to other sites at the same time.
|> |
|> |I use a 56k modem.
|> |
|> |Thanks
|> |
|> |ps. UAC switched on under normal circumstances
|| I can't stand UAC for a minute. It was the first thing I got rid
||on in Vista. With good AV and HIPS UAC is just a lot of noise
||making you feel secure because you're told "no" all time.
|| If you have survived with Windows up to Vista without UAC, why
||wouldn't you now?

|| --
|| //ceed
|What is HIPS?
Host Based Intrusion Prevention. There's a good free one here:
Some AV packages has it built in.
UAC prevents you from moving files around to where you want them (among
other thing). However, no file is a threat unless it's run somehow, so
it has to be a script or program or something which is run. Therefore I
find it very annoying to not be "allowed" to move a text file to where
I want it without having Daddy UAC ask stupid questions.
If it makes you feel secure, by all means keep the thing going! It's
only a waste of time, and doesn't cause any harm..