TZO service with Orange broadband

Feb 12, 2007
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Where do I start!!!

I used to have a NTL cable connection which came into the house through their modem then from there we plugged in an Ethernet cable which in turn then plugged into a lynksyswrt54g router all the wireless worked fine as did the wired connections. We also have a DVR which we could access remotely using the TZO service (similar to dyndns).

Now the fun starts, we have now gone over to BT lines and use orange to provide the broadband service. I cannot find a modem/router which will work on the DSL line and support the TZO service to allow us to access the DVR remotely. Is there a way of using the orange modem/router then connecting the lynksys router to it so we can use the TZO service, I seem to remember something about it being possible but my concern is when we try to access the DVR wont the orange router block the request before it gets to the other lynksys router which has all of the TZO info embedded into it telling it which ip address to forward the port 80 request to.

Any help would be appreciated

Personally I have no experience of TZO so I cant comment however, have you called Orange and asked them for help on the matter?
Not helpful at all all I got out of them is "we dont support other peoples equipment" I can see there point.
All tzo does is allows a dynamic ip address to be accessed remotley from anywhere in the world via the software on the router, how it does it I dont know but it works fine on the lynksys router but unfortunatly its a router only not a modem so I cant just use that.

does that make any sense or am I just going off on one???
No your fine ;)

Are you sure the service only uses port 80 and no others?

Also did orange supply you with just a modem or a router?
Modem/router with wifi, Been about three months now and am ready to tear my hair out. Just got a call out now so having to go out. Will check back later if it's not to late when I get back.

if not i will be back to check tomorrow
