Nathan Sokalski
I often use self-closing tags (such as <br/>) when creating an ASP.NET
application. However, when I enter them in Visual Studio .NET 2005, it
automatically inserts a space before the />. In most cases this does not
bother me, but for tags such as <br/> that I usually do not use any
attributes with I prefer not to have the extra space. I there a way to
prevent Visual Studio .NET 2005 from inserting the extra space before the />
at the end of the tag? Thanks.
application. However, when I enter them in Visual Studio .NET 2005, it
automatically inserts a space before the />. In most cases this does not
bother me, but for tags such as <br/> that I usually do not use any
attributes with I prefer not to have the extra space. I there a way to
prevent Visual Studio .NET 2005 from inserting the extra space before the />
at the end of the tag? Thanks.