typing full adress, cannot find pages, or cannot be displayed



I upgraded to SP2 and now i cannot simply type in the web
site I wish to access, i.e. 'google.com', i have to
type 'http://www.google.com'? Also i get the 'cannot be
displayed' message or it goes to a blank search page when
I have attempted to access various websites? Things like
HP download center for my jetdirect driver, the Nevada
Department of Transportation website, and the Clark
County Nevada website that I was accessing for years
prior to this upgrade. HELP!!! I need to correct this
for my work, and do not wish to ip down and rebuild my
software or system if I can avoid it.



Im working on the same kind of problem. I believe its a
registry issue. Ill post more info on the fix when I find
it. Hopefully later today.

The only difference I see in our problems is that mine
will go to the site if I type 'google.com' but if I prefix
it with www. it will not. However- if i manually enter
http:/- it goes.

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