| Thanks again for you help Jim. I don't know what I would do without your
| help. I'm surprised I can wipe my own _ _ _ !!! LOL Michael
| | > Hi,
| >
| > | > | Hi all ... before I by it ,, I want to know if Novalogics Joint
| > Operations
| > | Typhoon Rising is only a Multiplayer game or is it a regular game also
| > with
| > | the option to play against the computer. Thanks for any help. Michael
| > |
| >
| > I did a quick google, and it appears the game has single player missions
| > according to:
| >
| >
| > What about missions? What sorts of objectives will be trying to complete,
| > and what locations will we find ourselves in?
| > Taubel: The single-player missions are geared more towards getting
| > familiar with the vehicles for multiplayer, but they are still
| > solid missions. Therefore, the player will find himself deep in the
| > jungle, navigating a small river via zodiac to rescue a downed
| > pilot. Another will find the player flying escort and destroying SAM sites
| > so the Blackhawks can land safely.
| >
| > The single-player missions will be spread out over Bali, Java and Jakarta.
| > The action in both single-player and multiplayer spreads
| > across deep jungles, muddy river beds, rice paddies, islands, urban towns,
| > and modern market places.
| >
| > How else will single-player Joint Operations differ from multiplayer? Will
| > it use AI bots, for example, and how "real" will these
| > be?
| >
| > Taubel: Our single-player missions are not just bots in the multiplayer
| > maps, they have been designed separately. There is a
| > storyline that spans Indonesia in about 10 missions. Players will be able
| > to pilot several craft and run some very real missions.
| >
| >
| > --
| > Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
| > Jimmy S.
| >
| > Visit my MSN Zone.com and Gaming Help Site:
| > MS Games Help and Support Center:
| > My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any
| > rights.
| > _________________________________________________________
| >
| >
| >