Hi, I'm using ado.net 2.0 and I have this strongly typed dataset that
has this table that has some custom sql update queries.
The thing is, my customDataSetTableAdapter.myTable has no generic
"Update()" method. It only has some ".myCustomUpdate(param1,param2)"
method, that I can't use to send all the changes at once, like I could
do with the .update().
So when I have all the changes made to the dataset in memory, how is it
that I'm supposed to persist them in the real database table?
has this table that has some custom sql update queries.
The thing is, my customDataSetTableAdapter.myTable has no generic
"Update()" method. It only has some ".myCustomUpdate(param1,param2)"
method, that I can't use to send all the changes at once, like I could
do with the .update().
So when I have all the changes made to the dataset in memory, how is it
that I'm supposed to persist them in the real database table?