Typed dataset and namespaces


Magne Ryholt

I can set the properties Namespace and Prefix on datasets, datatables and
I beleive this is handy in my situation (specially for tables and columns),
however I cannot find any way to set the namespace and prefix properties in
the schema designer.
Of course I may set them by code, but it would be handy as part of the
Any ideas ?

Sahil Malik [MVP]

Right click the .xsd file and select properties and set the CustomNamespace
property to what you like. This property value will be appended to the root
namespace, but you can always clear the root namespace in the project

- Sahil Malik [MVP]

Magne Ryholt

For clarity, I use VS.net 2003 and ditto framework (SP1)

I don't find CustomNamespace, but of course I find TargetNamespace.
Anyway, i would like to change the namespace for individual elements and
(just like I can do programatically on DataTable and DataColumns).

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