Type Mismatch

  • Thread starter Thread starter ScottA
  • Start date Start date


I am trying to create a recordset which can later be
exported to Word as a table. This recordset includes
details of documents distributed to a list of recipients.

The button I'm using for launching the code is attached to
the recipient form (the Me here in the code) - I want to
create a recordset that includes details for only those
documents that have been sent to the recipient displayed.

When I try to run the code, I am getting a Type Mismatch
error at the point when the recordset should be created.

Can anyone tell me what I might be doing wrong?


Scott A

Here's the code:
Private Sub cmdWord_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdWord_Click

Dim db As Database
Dim recDocList As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strDocs As String

Set db = CurrentDb()

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM qryDistDetail " & _
"WHERE (((tblDistributions.RecipientID) = " & Me!
RecipientID & "))"

Set recDocList = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

strDocs = "Title" & vbTab & "Doc No." & vbTab
& "Version" & vbCr
While Not recDocList.EOF
strDocs = strDocs & vbCrLf & recDocList
("DocTitle") & vbTab & _
recDocList("DocCode") & vbTab & _

CreateDocAOR recDocList


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdWord_Click

End Sub
try to declare recordset as:
Dim recDocList As DAO.Recordset

probably you have also reference to adodb, so you have to explicity specify
which one you want to open
I've tried declaring the recordset as DAO.Recordset, and
that still didn't work, so I tried declaring the db as
DAO.Database, and am still getting the type mismatch error.

Any other troublespots I should look for?

But works when I change the priority of the DAO library...

Thanks for the tip!

Scott A