Hi. I'm dumbfounded. I have the following code structure
that has always worked for me and all of a sudden it
doesn't. Any thoughts on this would be a tremendous help!
Here's my code:
Public Sub SendSalesPlans()
Dim recIMRSalesPlans As Recordset
Dim recIMRTerritories As Recordset
Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application
Dim objMessage As MailItem
Set db = CurrentDb
'It's getting hung up on the recordset tblTerritoriesIMR
which is just a three-column table with an autonumber and
two text fields.
Set recIMRTerritories = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * " & _
"FROM [tblTerritoriesIMR]")
If Not recIMRTerritories.EOF Then
Do While Not recIMRTerritories.EOF
CreateSalesPlanLetter recIMRTerritories, recIMRSalesPlans
End If
End Sub
that has always worked for me and all of a sudden it
doesn't. Any thoughts on this would be a tremendous help!
Here's my code:
Public Sub SendSalesPlans()
Dim recIMRSalesPlans As Recordset
Dim recIMRTerritories As Recordset
Dim objOutlook As New Outlook.Application
Dim objMessage As MailItem
Set db = CurrentDb
'It's getting hung up on the recordset tblTerritoriesIMR
which is just a three-column table with an autonumber and
two text fields.
Set recIMRTerritories = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * " & _
"FROM [tblTerritoriesIMR]")
If Not recIMRTerritories.EOF Then
Do While Not recIMRTerritories.EOF
CreateSalesPlanLetter recIMRTerritories, recIMRSalesPlans
End If
End Sub