Chris O''''Neill
I've been using Stephen Lebans' modCalendar control without incident for
awhile (GREAT stuff, btw!), and then I changed a form to have it's source as
a table instead of a query. Now I'm getting a type mismatch error in the
basProximityFunctions module here:
Private Function xg_FindParentForm(ctl As Control) As Form
'* Returns the parent form of the passed control
Dim frm As Form
On Error Resume Next
Set frm = ctl.Parent ' <------ this is where it stops!
I have alot of other forms that have tables as their control source and they
still work fine, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on here?
Anybody here have this problem before and know how I can fix it???? Thanks,
in advance, for any help and advice given!
Regards, Chris
awhile (GREAT stuff, btw!), and then I changed a form to have it's source as
a table instead of a query. Now I'm getting a type mismatch error in the
basProximityFunctions module here:
Private Function xg_FindParentForm(ctl As Control) As Form
'* Returns the parent form of the passed control
Dim frm As Form
On Error Resume Next
Set frm = ctl.Parent ' <------ this is where it stops!
I have alot of other forms that have tables as their control source and they
still work fine, so I'm not exactly sure what's going on here?
Anybody here have this problem before and know how I can fix it???? Thanks,
in advance, for any help and advice given!
Regards, Chris