Les Coover
I am using the following code to insert First Name in an adjacent field
when a Last Name is selected from a Combo Box drop down list on
a form.
Everything works all right EXCEPT if the First Name field is sorted
(ascending) a "Type Mismatch" error is displayed, the DB locks up
and will not permit re-entry into the form. Any suggestions?
There is a good example of this on Northwind, when the Product ID field is
selected, the associated Unit Price is auto inserted. But why do I get
an error (and lockout) when the Last Name field is sorted. Perhaps I should
the sort function for this field??? If so could someone explain how to do
that, or maybe you have better suggestions.
Private Sub LName_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_LName_AfterUpdate
Dim strVar As Variant
' Evaluate filter before it's passed to DLookup function.
strVar = "[ID01] = " & Me![LName]
' Look up student's first name and assign it to FName control.
Me!FName = DLookup("FName", "tblArchiveAdmissions2004", strVar)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_LName_AfterUpdate
End Sub
Here is what some of the property box for LName looks like
Name = LName
Control Source = LName
Row Source Type = Table/Query
Row Source:
SELECT [tbleArchiveAdmissions2004].[ID01],[tblArchiveAdmissions2004].[LName]
FROM tblArchiveAdmissions2004 ORDER BY [LName];
Column Count = 2
Column Width = 0";1"
when a Last Name is selected from a Combo Box drop down list on
a form.
Everything works all right EXCEPT if the First Name field is sorted
(ascending) a "Type Mismatch" error is displayed, the DB locks up
and will not permit re-entry into the form. Any suggestions?
There is a good example of this on Northwind, when the Product ID field is
selected, the associated Unit Price is auto inserted. But why do I get
an error (and lockout) when the Last Name field is sorted. Perhaps I should
the sort function for this field??? If so could someone explain how to do
that, or maybe you have better suggestions.
Private Sub LName_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_LName_AfterUpdate
Dim strVar As Variant
' Evaluate filter before it's passed to DLookup function.
strVar = "[ID01] = " & Me![LName]
' Look up student's first name and assign it to FName control.
Me!FName = DLookup("FName", "tblArchiveAdmissions2004", strVar)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_LName_AfterUpdate
End Sub
Here is what some of the property box for LName looks like
Name = LName
Control Source = LName
Row Source Type = Table/Query
Row Source:
SELECT [tbleArchiveAdmissions2004].[ID01],[tblArchiveAdmissions2004].[LName]
FROM tblArchiveAdmissions2004 ORDER BY [LName];
Column Count = 2
Column Width = 0";1"