Masa Ito
I am really jazzed about LINQ - but am struggling with some basics -
like when does it infer the datatype?
Simple example - I want to get all the tables in a typed dataset that
have "RAW" in the name. I would have thought that:
Dim qRawTables = From RawTable In ds.Tables _
Where RawTable.TableName.ToString.StartsWith("RAW")
When I hover over qRawTables it is an object. So it is not using type
inferrence right? ds.tables is returning a
System.Data.DataTableCollection - but this isn't ienumerable? I can
add .AsQueryable but then the RawTable.TableName gets a 'Late Binding'
Sorry for a possibly stupid question!
like when does it infer the datatype?
Simple example - I want to get all the tables in a typed dataset that
have "RAW" in the name. I would have thought that:
Dim qRawTables = From RawTable In ds.Tables _
Where RawTable.TableName.ToString.StartsWith("RAW")
When I hover over qRawTables it is an object. So it is not using type
inferrence right? ds.tables is returning a
System.Data.DataTableCollection - but this isn't ienumerable? I can
add .AsQueryable but then the RawTable.TableName gets a 'Late Binding'
Sorry for a possibly stupid question!