At this point i give up. Take a look at the following code:
Private Sub dn_postcode_LostFocus()
Dim TmpPlaats As String
Dim TmpPostcode As Long
TmpPostcode = CLng(Left(Me.dn_postcode, 4))
If IsNull(Me.dn_woonplaats) Then
TmpPlaats = DLookup("[plaatsnaam]", "qryPostcode", "[POSTC_BEG] >=" &
[TmpPostcode] And "[POSTC_END] <=" & [TmpPostcode])
MsgBox (TmpPlaats)
End If
End Sub
When using the above code i get a "type doesnt match" error.
If i use: TmpPlaats = DLookup("[plaatsnaam]", "qryPostcode", "[POSTC_BEG]
I dont get an error!!
POSTC_BEG and POSTC_END are both defined as long
But using them together %$&@^%@$ ARGHHHHH!!
PLease help?
txs in advance,
At this point i give up. Take a look at the following code:
Private Sub dn_postcode_LostFocus()
Dim TmpPlaats As String
Dim TmpPostcode As Long
TmpPostcode = CLng(Left(Me.dn_postcode, 4))
If IsNull(Me.dn_woonplaats) Then
TmpPlaats = DLookup("[plaatsnaam]", "qryPostcode", "[POSTC_BEG] >=" &
[TmpPostcode] And "[POSTC_END] <=" & [TmpPostcode])
MsgBox (TmpPlaats)
End If
End Sub
When using the above code i get a "type doesnt match" error.
If i use: TmpPlaats = DLookup("[plaatsnaam]", "qryPostcode", "[POSTC_BEG]
=" & [TmpPostcode])
I dont get an error!!
POSTC_BEG and POSTC_END are both defined as long
But using them together %$&@^%@$ ARGHHHHH!!
PLease help?
txs in advance,