Type conversion errors in update query



Not all my records are updating when I perform an update query. The error
specifices the numbers of records not updated due to 'type conversion
errors'. I'm not sure what this means exactly, or what the issue is.
The field that I'm updating is numeric / currency, and the source of update
is coming from fields that are numeric / currency as well. It appears that
all data types are consistent.

I'm not sure where to look next. Any ideas?
Thanks for your help!

Van T. Dinh

Access / JET automatically typecasts the value to the same type as the
destination Field. This can create problems since different data types have
different min and max. There are also other problems such as multiply a
numeric value with a Null value.

Without knowing the details, it is pretty hard to guess. If you need
further help, please post:

* The relevant Table structure.
* The SQL String of your query.
* Sample data of some Records that got updated correctly amd some Records
that have errors in the updating process.

Beware that what you posted might be misleading: A Field can be either a
Number Field (of one of the possible sizes: Long, Integer, Byte, Single or
Double) or a Currency Field. Currency Field was introduced later (in
A2000?) and has scaling factor so it is not part of the Number Field
collection. The confusing part is that you can use the Currency _Format_
with Number Field.


Hi Diane,
A really simple circumstance where I've received this error is when some of
the records involved would be null or zero. Sometimes when the table you'd
be updating from might have some blanks in that field. In those instances,
you'd be updating your other table to null or zero. I believe this can trip
the error. This is likely if it's only a small percentage that aren't
updating because of the error.

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