Two TS Sessions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sharat Kumar
  • Start date Start date

Sharat Kumar

One of my users is loggin on to my TS server and is able
to work , but when he wants to connect to second TS server
he has to logoff and logon to that server. Or mininise the
existing session and run second session for second server.
I installed TS client on the first server and connected to
second server as a administrator, but other users are not
able to do so. What could be the problem?

Can the clients launch/run mstsc.exe from within the first TS session? If
not, what error are they getting? Have you locked down the client
environment to allow only certain applications and mstsc.exe is not
approved? When you are testing, are you using the "Administrator" account
or an account with admin rights? Try using your own account first with no
admin rights and then add it to the administrators group and try again.
Rakesh Chanana [MSFT]

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Yes the clients are able to launch the mctsc.exe from
first TS Session.
If i login to first session using administrator account
and launch mstsc.exe i get login screen for second TS
session on second server and iam able to work on it. But
if i login to first TS session as my user account iam able
to launch the mstsc.exe for second session and i get the
error " The Terminal server has ended the connection".

But if add my user account to administrators group
everything works fine.


-----Original Message-----
Can the clients launch/run mstsc.exe from within the first TS session? If
not, what error are they getting? Have you locked down the client
environment to allow only certain applications and mstsc.exe is not
approved? When you are testing, are you using the "Administrator" account
or an account with admin rights? Try using your own account first with no
admin rights and then add it to the administrators group and try again.
Rakesh Chanana [MSFT]

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