two sounds on one slide

  • Thread starter Thread starter alphatango
  • Start date Start date


When I try to put two sounds on one slide, the first one plays but not the
second. I have set a 3 second delay for the second sound. What am I doing
Are you sure your computer can play two sounds at the same time? In other
words, has this worked before and isn't working this time or has it never
worked? Some machines can't play two sounds of the same type at the same

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived
First just double check that you have the second sound to play "With
Previous" not "After Previous".

If (as likely) your computer won't play two embedded sounds at the same time
when the second starts the first will stop. Try making the second sound
linked see if that works.
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John, I just realized how very basic a knowledge I have of PowerPoint. How
do I link a file as opposed to embed it?
If you have an mp3 it will be linked.

If both files are wav files and the first has been embedded go to Tools>
Options>General and set "link to sounds with file size ...." to a very small
number (eg 1). The next wav you insert will be linked. You can put the
setting back and it will still link unless you reinsert it.
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Thanks so much, John. If you don't hear anything more about this problem,
you'll know it worked!