David -
The trick is in selecting the data, right?
One way: Select the dates in column A (including a header if any), then hold the
CTRL key and select the percent change values in column H (again including the
header, but only if it was included for the dates). You should have two shaded areas
in the sheet, and both ought to be the same length. Run the chart wizard, select the
chart type you want. This is for one sheet's data. Switch the the other sheet,
select the two-area range as above and copy it, select the chart, choose Paste
Special from the Edit menu, and paste the data as a new series, categories in first row.
Other way: Start the chart wizard. On step two, Source Data, click on Series tab,
and for series 1, select the categories (dates) and values (percentages) from sheet
one. Add a series, and select the categories and values from sheet two. Continue to
the end of the Wizard.
In both cases, you're using dates for the categories. If the dates are not the same
on the two sheets, only the dates for the first series will be used to chart both
series, if you have selected a LINE chart. Instead, select an XY Scatter chart, and
the X and Y values of each series are independent of the other.
- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions