two sets of folders?



I've just had to re-install Outlook 2002 and restore my folders and address
book etc. I now have Person Folders and Outlook today (personal folders).
Can anyone advise on how to remove one of these sets of folders please.

John Perry

IanF said:
I've just had to re-install Outlook 2002 and restore my folders and address
book etc. I now have Person Folders and Outlook today (personal folders).
Can anyone advise on how to remove one of these sets of folders please.
I have installed Outlook 2003, and also have two personal folders too,
and they are both the same. Very strange, looking for advice too.

Roady [MVP]

Create a new profile (do not copy it);
Control Panel-> Mail-> button Show Profiles

To access your current pst-file in the new profile;
File-> Open-> Outlook Data File...

To set it as the default delivery location;
Tools-> E-mail Accounts...-> button Next-> use the dropdownlist below

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1

John Perry

Create a new profile (do not copy it);
Control Panel-> Mail-> button Show Profiles

To access your current pst-file in the new profile;
File-> Open-> Outlook Data File...

To set it as the default delivery location;
Tools-> E-mail Accounts...-> button Next-> use the dropdownlist below

I have an outlook.pst and an outlook1.pst and this is giving me two sets
of personal folders. I think the outlook.pst is a left over from
Outlook 2002. Now that I have Outlook 2003, how can I remove this extra

Could this be the cause of my Outlook hangs? Thanks

Roady [MVP]

If the folder you see in Outlook are identical like you said in your
original post you are not connected to 2 separate pst-files and you'll need
to recreate your mail profile by the instruction I posted. A corrupt mail
profiles can indeed lead to Outlook hangs.

To see what is in your other pst-file connect to it by File-> Open-> Outlook
Data File... If there is nothing in there you want anymore rightclick the
folderset and choose to disconnect. Then Close Outlook and delete the
corresponding pst-file.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1


Brian Tillman

John Perry said:
I have an outlook.pst and an outlook1.pst and this is giving me two
sets of personal folders. I think the outlook.pst is a left over from
Outlook 2002. Now that I have Outlook 2003, how can I remove this
extra folder?

Right-click on the unwanted folder and choose Close?

John Perry

If the folder you see in Outlook are identical like you said in your
original post you are not connected to 2 separate pst-files and you'll need
to recreate your mail profile by the instruction I posted. A corrupt mail
profiles can indeed lead to Outlook hangs.

To see what is in your other pst-file connect to it by File-> Open-> Outlook
Data File... If there is nothing in there you want anymore rightclick the
folderset and choose to disconnect. Then Close Outlook and delete the
corresponding pst-file.

I can see what seems to have happened now. I had Outlook XP and
upgraded to Outlook 2003. The XP Outlook PST was names outlook.pst and
the upgraded 2003 was renamed outlook1.pst, and both were opened, and I
am beginning to wonder if this led to the crashes as they are 800MB in

Anyway, I have deleted the outlook.pst and lets see if this cures the
persistent hangs. Thanks guys.


Hi All,
I finally solved this one by going to the Control Panel - Mail - Data Files
area (as instructed in an post I found further down the Group) but I simply
deleted the extra folder file. ( I copied any required mails to the
Personal Folder that I was retaining)

Thanks for the help All.


John Perry

Yes, I did the same, but even with one folder Outlook continually hangs
though it is a bit more stable. I am using Win 2000 Pro with 1GB RAM
and Office 2003 and all with the latest patches.

Symptoms are Outlook just hangs, so I close it down and restart it.
this hanging happens between 5 mins and an hour:-( of the previous hang.

IanF said:
Hi All,
I finally solved this one by going to the Control Panel - Mail - Data Files
area (as instructed in an post I found further down the Group) but I simply
deleted the extra folder file. ( I copied any required mails to the
Personal Folder that I was retaining)

Thanks for the help All.


George Chenarides

-----Original Message-----
I've just had to re-install Outlook 2002 and restore my folders and address
book etc. I now have Person Folders and Outlook today (personal folders).
Can anyone advise on how to remove one of these sets of folders please.

I have the same problem but perhaps one of the
proceedures that failed for me might work for you.
Right click the duplicate folder and select "Close
Personal Folder" to see if that works. Alternatively, try
right clicking and selecting Properties. When that screen
opens Try and change the NAME of the folder then close
that window. Right click again on the newly named folder
and try to close it. If that doesn't work your at the
same place I am.

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