Two Quick Questions - Tab Key and Radio/Check Box Controls


Joe Keller

1) It appears that trapping of the "Tab" keyboard key is not supported in
any of a form's key events (i.e. KeyDown and KeyPress). Is there any way to
override this behavior to trap for the "Tab" key being pressed?

2) When a radio button or check box has focus, I want to display a visual
cue to the user for which control has the focus. Is there a way to set the
color of the font for a check box or radio button control? If not, could I
subclass it somehow and change the color myself?



Chris Tacke, eMVP

1. Can be accomplushed using a system hook. It's been discussed heavily, so
check the archives for details.
2. Unfortunately most intrinsic controls are sealed, so you'll have to
probably do something more creative, like manually drawing a border around


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