Two questions



I've just got a new computer loaded with Vista.

I have vast numbers of emails in Outlook on my old pc which I need to
access. I don't seem to be able to move them into Windows Mail.

I also used to run Google Desktop which showed recent emails in the sidebar
as they arrived. This doesn't seem to work any more (only shows my gmail

Can I reload Outlook onto the new Vista machine and move my emails? How?


LFX said:
I've just got a new computer loaded with Vista.

I have vast numbers of emails in Outlook on my old pc which I need to
access. I don't seem to be able to move them into Windows Mail.

I also used to run Google Desktop which showed recent emails in the
as they arrived. This doesn't seem to work any more (only shows my gmail

Can I reload Outlook onto the new Vista machine and move my emails? How?

Windows Mail has problems importing messages directly from Outlook. You
have two choices about how to handle this: 1. Install Outlook, preferably
version 2003 or later, on your Vista computer. Version 2002 will also run
under Vista, but with a few problems. Windows Mail need to use part of
Outlook to be able to understand the files Outlook uses to store messages.
2. Import the messages from Outlook into Outlook Express on your old
computer. Then transfer them from Outlook Express to Windows Mail:



Bring along the .wab file if you want your old contacts. After you copy the
files to a directory on the hard drive of your new computer, but before you
import them into Windows Mail, make sure the copies are read-write
instead of readonly.


On the old computer running XP, Outlook and Outlook Express, export the
Outlook messages to Outlook Express, copy the \Outlook Express folder (.dbx)
files to the Vista computer, and import them into Windows Mail as follows:
1. Remove any ‘Read only’ attributes.
2. In Windows Mail go to File > Import > Messages > OE6 > Next > Import Mail
and follow the wizard to import your mail boxes from the exported OE folder
you made earlier.
3. Once these are imported, a sub-folder named Imported Folder is created
for each one imported. Go to it and drag the messages to the proper boxes.


Many thanks to both respondents. I gave up on trying to move the files, and
found my old discs. When I loaded Outlook onto the new pc, all my emails
miraculously appeared!

I've got one other question - not strictly Mail. I've reloaded Microsoft
Word (because the Works processor is horrible). How can I tell the computer
to open .doc and .rtf mail attachments in Word? There doesn't seem to be
"Open with" on the right click list, and it keeps opening them in Works.



For .doc, save such an attachment to a file without changing it's name.
Right click on it, and you should get the option of changing what
program opens such files.

I thought Outlook was the program that can handle .rtf files.


Thanks, Robert.
How annoying. I often need to check files before forwarding them, without
saving them to my computer. I hoped there was a way of changing the default
program for text attachments.


Try it. You also get the option of making the change permanent for that
type of files.

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