Two Questions, Scroll in memo field and timestamping notes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jay
  • Start date Start date


First, How can I set
my MSAccessDB to
scroll inside a memo
field? I have scroll
sides showing
however when I use
my scroll wheel it
moves to the next
(or previous)
records. I click
(focus) on the memo
window and same
thing with the
scroll wheel. I
have set the control
to currentrecord
also which takes
care of my tab off
record issue. Next
can I timestamp
inside a notes field
easily? I have tried
a date=(now) command
in the afterupdate
field however I
recieve errors and
can't find the right
syntax. Thanks for
any help.
As to the second question:

date is a reserved word. your code is trying to update date with now,
both reserved word.

To update, it all depends on what order you want things and if you want
it before or after, etc.

To just put the date change all the below to date()
To put date and time then use now()

to put it first: me.memofieldname = now() & " " &

to put it at the end: me.memofieldname = me.memofieldname & " " &
now() & " "

The " " is to put a space between the data and the time stamp. ( or it
can be anything you want ie " **** " etc.)

If you want it to start another line then put char(13) where
appropriate to get the new line characters.

Word of caution.... Doing it this way allows the user to change the
date and or time. If you do not want that to be possible, you will need
to add another field that has the data locked so they can't change it
and simply load it with a value when you insert the record or after
they have changed any of the existing information. Think about what you
want it to be, timestamp of last update or the date/time created.

Just a guess, but I don't believe that the mouse wheel is recognized
within a text/memo field, even if there are scroll bars in place.

It did not work for me just now, either. I was in a continuous form
