1. Maximize Issue:
1. Open a link.
2. Don't use the maximize button.
3. Stretch the edges/corners so that the window fills the screen.
4. Close all other IE windows.
5. Close the stretched window last.
However, the above procedure is not equivalent to SHOWMAXIMIZED API call.
Best option is to use "IE New Window maximizer"
(Uses Windows API calls and automatically maximizes every browser window you
2. Use same browser window:
1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Click Tools > Internet Options > Advanced tab
3. Uncheck "Reuse windows for launching shortcuts"
4. Close Internet Explorer
The Reuse windows for launching shortcuts setting is used to determine
whether a new or existing instance of Internet Explorer is used when
exploring a Web site using one of the following methods:
a. Double-clicking an Internet shortcut (.url file) from within Windows
b. Opening a URL by clicking Start, and then clicking Run.
c. Using a desktop toolbar, such as the Address or Links bar.
When this setting is selected, an open instance of Internet Explorer is used
to display any Web site loaded using the above methods. If the setting is
cleared, then the above methods start a new instance of Internet Explorer.
AOL: SRamesh2k
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«.............. Ramesh ...............»
«·´`·.(¸.·´(¸.·* *·.¸)`·.¸).·´`·»
~ Please reply to newsgroup ~
My first is that my screen will not open max. it's the first screen when I
start in and then every screen after that. I've tried everything recommended
in this group and no luck. Second is that I want to open any page in it's
own screen regardless if I typed in the url or looked in my favorites folder
or clicked on a link. Could someone help me with these two very annoying