Two problems: MSN not connecting, and a weird systray rightclick popup problem.

Oct 8, 2006
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Since you were so helpful last time I had a computer problem, I gifured this is the place to go :p

Okey, so the first problem (and the least important of the two) is that MSN wont let me connect. I'm obviously connected, and when I check my status with the .NET Messenger Service, it says I'm connected. Also, doing the search for connection errors through msn tells me I can connect. However, the problem is that when I connect, it just keeps connecting and connecting... and connecting. No popup message telling me I can't log on right now, just two spinning guys. They can spin for hours without anything happening. I've tried the basic things like a repair, re-boot, close and open etc., nothing works.

Problem number two is a bit more annoying.
I'll send a screenshot describing the problem.

Sometimes (not every time) when I right click an icon in the systray, for example, Gmail Notifier, the popup menu for systray itself also pops up. I have no idea whatsoever what to do to fix this, and I don't remember when it started doing this. I think it was sometime this summer.

I don't have my fix/reinstall cd of WinXP, so I really have no idea what to do.

[I'm not sure how to include a screenshot properly, so if someone could edit to make it look better, I'd be happy, thanks.]

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No one knows what the problem is?

Problem #1 is solved long time ago, but I still don't know what to do about problem #2...
I'm not sure, do you have any system tray enhancement tools installed or anything like that? It does seem like a very strange problem to have, and I've not seen it before myself.
Not that I know of, no. I stay away from plugins and enhancements and stuff... I've had this problem for about half a year now, and it's pretyt random. It doesn't happen all the time, and only to some icons (Like gmail notifyer and iTunes)