I am trying to provide the user the ability to add a attachment to a
traditional one page report, it works but reports that are one page now have
a second formated page. the margins are configured properly it is just when
one of the records contain a second page then all records have a second page.
I am trying to tell the report if there is no record in the subReport do not
show the section or page and visa versa. Below is the code I TRIED using but
this does not work.
'Hide Page if there is no attachment
If IsNull(Reports![CYF IH Contact
Summary]![subContSum2].Reports![txtCYFIHContSumID2]) Then
Me.pag01.Visible = False
Me.pag01.Visible = True
End If
'Hide Report Footer if there is no attachment
If IsNull(Reports![CYF IH Contact
Summary]![subContSum2].Reports![txtCYFIHContSumID2]) Then
Me.ReportFooter.Visible = False
Me.ReportFooter.Visible = True
End If
I am trying to provide the user the ability to add a attachment to a
traditional one page report, it works but reports that are one page now have
a second formated page. the margins are configured properly it is just when
one of the records contain a second page then all records have a second page.
I am trying to tell the report if there is no record in the subReport do not
show the section or page and visa versa. Below is the code I TRIED using but
this does not work.
'Hide Page if there is no attachment
If IsNull(Reports![CYF IH Contact
Summary]![subContSum2].Reports![txtCYFIHContSumID2]) Then
Me.pag01.Visible = False
Me.pag01.Visible = True
End If
'Hide Report Footer if there is no attachment
If IsNull(Reports![CYF IH Contact
Summary]![subContSum2].Reports![txtCYFIHContSumID2]) Then
Me.ReportFooter.Visible = False
Me.ReportFooter.Visible = True
End If