Two new programs at Miha's utilities

  • Thread starter Thread starter MihaP
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Hi all!

I am glad to pronounce that I have released two new programs that are
making the Miha's utilities group ( ) even
more complete now.

Mihov Website Merger
Version: 0.5
Date: 17.8.2003
Size: 221 kB
Category: Web Development, WWW, Web site maintainance, Automation
Licence: Free
Web site:
Mihov Website Merger is a program for web developers who need to be able
to update big sites with ease. The program compiles parts of a web site
together to a single set of files.
For example, you have a set of pages that have the top part (header),
main part, and lower part (footer). All you have to do is you slice your
files to header, footer, and several centre files. When you need to
change the footer of all files, you change it only once and run Mihov
Website Merger on the files. The files will be updated and will
automatically reflect the changes. This way the updating of the site
gets easier and will not be a burden anymore.

Mihov Active 800x600
Version: 1.0
Date: 16.8.2003
Size: 193 kB
Category: Web Development, Software Engineering, Screen Preview
Licence: Free
Web site:
Mihov Active 800x600 is a program for web and software developers. It
helps you see how large a program or browser window would be if resized
to a screen size of 800 x 600 pixels.
This is done by pressing the Start button within the program and then in
three seconds selecting the window that needs to be resized. The window
will automatically change to 800x600 in size and you will see the
contents of it refreshed. You will be able to see the change without
changing the screen resolution!

You are invited to download the programs and tell me what you think.

Have fun,

Miha P s e n i c a
MihaP said:
When you need to
change the footer of all files, you change it only once and run Mihov
Website Merger on the files. The files will be updated and will
automatically reflect the changes. This way the updating of the site
gets easier and will not be a burden anymore.

I am afraid I don't quite see what's so special about this. Can't you
get the same results with a global (extended) search and replace in
your editor, that is one search and replace operation on all files in
a directory. At least that's what I do. I don't really understand why
a separate program would be an advantage. Please enlighten me.

Bill V.
What I never understood is why isn't this built into HTML itself. The <img
src="url"> tag pulls in an image from an external file. So they should have
a corresponding tag to pull in boilerplate text from another file (e.g.
"header.htm") and insert it where at the location of the "include" or
"insert" tag in the main HTML file.
Blinky the Shark said:
That would be kind of inefficient if you were making very large changes.

Would Miha's small program more or less do what the huge program you
use does? (I had to download something like 8 or 9 Mb of software to
be able to use that, that's more than my browser, html editor and css
editor combined).

Global search and replace works rather well in my experience. Off
course your editor mist allow search and replace operations on large
chunks of text.

It was a dark and stormy night when Bill V.
Would Miha's small program more or less do what the huge program
you use does?

After reading their descriptions it seems likely.
(I had to download something like 8 or 9 Mb of software to be able
to use that, that's more than my browser, html editor and css
editor combined).

'The dolt' is a PERL script and it needs a PERL interpreter installed
on your PC. The script '' is only 5,815 bytes long.

For MS Windows a similar and smaller app is PPWizard (Regina
interpreter & rexx script):

A few PPWizard examples:

Would Miha's small program more or less do what the huge program you
use does? (I had to download something like 8 or 9 Mb of software to
be able to use that, that's more than my browser, html editor and css
editor combined).

Huge program? It's a 5kb perl script.

Sure, you have to be perl-capable. But that's like saying Mozilla is a
huge program of 150mb because you need an OS to run it. :)
Global search and replace works rather well in my experience. Off
course your editor mist allow search and replace operations on large
chunks of text.

I don't think the gs&r funtcion of my text editor is limited, and would
probably work -- but if I'm going to rewrite, say, the order of a section
of navigational links (which appear in my headers and footers), I
prefer to do that by simply editing the text file and then clicking the
desktop icon for my preprocessor, rather than trying to remake a whole
<division> or <p> or whatever that block happens to be, with search and
replace. Type, click once, done. Don't even have to tell it which
files -- that's already handled by file location.