I have a notebook plugged into a docking staion which has its' own NIC.
The NIC is connected to a router (hard wired) which is connected to a
modem which is connected to COX Cable Company. This is the connection
I use most of the time. I just purchased and installed a Linksys
PCMCIA card to use with a wireless router at another location. There,
the docking station is not available. Question is: When I connect my
notebook into the docking station with the PCMCIA card in place, how
does my PC know which connection to use (My neighbor has a wireless
router which my card can 'see'?
The NIC is connected to a router (hard wired) which is connected to a
modem which is connected to COX Cable Company. This is the connection
I use most of the time. I just purchased and installed a Linksys
PCMCIA card to use with a wireless router at another location. There,
the docking station is not available. Question is: When I connect my
notebook into the docking station with the PCMCIA card in place, how
does my PC know which connection to use (My neighbor has a wireless
router which my card can 'see'?