Dwight Norton
I have to connections in my network connections. Local
Area Connection and a Internet gateway connection. I just
reformatted. The Internet Gateway connection was never
there before that. It is killin my dsl speed, downloads
at less that 2kbs. How do I get rid of the Gateway
connection??? The gateway connection is for iternet
sharing that I have figured out. But I have router and
did not ever have this connection before this particular
reinstall of windows XP Home. And yes I have had the
router for a long time its nothin new. Is there a
Area Connection and a Internet gateway connection. I just
reformatted. The Internet Gateway connection was never
there before that. It is killin my dsl speed, downloads
at less that 2kbs. How do I get rid of the Gateway
connection??? The gateway connection is for iternet
sharing that I have figured out. But I have router and
did not ever have this connection before this particular
reinstall of windows XP Home. And yes I have had the
router for a long time its nothin new. Is there a