The Visual Effects settings are mapped to the following registry value:
That flag should be set to 2 to optimize for best performance. (1 - best apprearance)
The same value could be set under HKLM branch to affect all user accounts. Or under HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT branch to effect the default
user accounts as well as others.
No componet in TD brings in that value by default. It is getting [re]set during FBA.
The Processor scheduling settings are mapped to the following registry value:
That binary mask value should be set to (include) 0x18 to optimize for background services.
More info here:
You can overwrite this value in the Registry Data Section of the "Client / Server Runtime (Console)" component.
Anyone come across a good way to set the Visual Effects setting to "Adjust for best performance" and the Processor scheduling to
"Background Services"?
I have been unable to find a way to set these other than post FBA. Using inctrl5 shows an enormous number of registry changes for
the visual effects setting.
Thanks to all.