Bruce never mind, worked very well, thanks. Can you help me and another matter?
I have a form(from 1 tables)that shows
and a subform (from a table) that shows:
I am triyng to habe a field that shows balance and totalexpenseamount,
I did what someone helped me with :
To get the total expense create a field and in the source of the field write
If the subform is a single form, that has only one data then you can create
a field on the form and the source of that field write
=[BUDGET]-nz(Forms![MainFormName]![SubFormName].Form![Mediaexpenseid] ) -
nz(Forms![MainFormName]![SubFormName].Form![Expenseamount] )
If the sub form is continues form, that has few records, then create in the
footer of the sub form two fields, to sum the expense, make the fields not
write in the source of each on of them
= sum([Mediaexpenseid])
create a field in the form like mentioned above but write in the source of
the field
=[BUDGET]-nz(Forms![MainFormName]![SubFormName].Form![SumOfMediaexpenseid] )
- nz(Forms![MainFormName]![SubFormName].Form![SumfExpenseamount] )
The problem is the balance is showing is wrong: it adding my expenseid's
number to my sumofexpenseamount and is not right. Can you help me?? Thanks
Savanah said:
Thanks Bruce, I did before a lookup query to NEWNAME t NAMEFIELD and did not
work, so I tried your way is the same show a empty combo box