Again thank you both for your replies.
I see you are using VPN because it is not a leased T1 or better but
rather to the internet, within which you tunnel.
Correct - no leased lines T1 to internet VPN tunnel via internet.
Are your client machines all uplevel, not Win9x/NT4?
All clients are Win2K or WinXP
What Steve mentions, GPOs with User section enabled,
login scripting, and roaming profiles, can all play a part
in some of the sluggishness, but this would be mostly only
initially at login. You seem to say that things remain poor,
as with your mention of Office app usage, etc..
I have looked in to this as well. Many of the options as you mention
correctly can help with startup or logon slowness but do not play a role in
continuing performance for instance with applications such as Office. We
have our templates on a file server but have copied them local for those
travelling to this office to avoid the standard read/write operations to when using Word. We do not use roaming profiles.
Are you sure that your site definitions are correct, and
that the DC of the "other" domain selected in DNS as
the site-coverage domain for the site without presence
of DCs of that "other" domain are the best choices?
(these are the DCs listed in DNS under the _sites area)
Not sure I understand this question but if I'm reading what I think you are
asking then Yes all local DCs show themselves as reference points for other
sites to avoid searching for the nearest replica set as the DC in that
remote office with domain 2 is a GC.
Are you staging all DNS zones to both domains so that
there is no internal DNS query resolution that has to go
over the WAN link? (Could remove some of the roundtrips).
Yes all DC's carry information for both namespaces and reverse zones.
Is this a true statement: You have members of both domains
located at each site, but you have at each site DCs of only
one domain?
Hopefully this clears up any confusion for both of us

I'll keep looking
for ways to improve this. Isn't there always some long forgotten or unseen
or undocumented regsitry entry somewhere that magically fixes problems like
