Two different config file schemas

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Does anyone know what the functions of the two config file schema definitions




are? I originally assumed that [2] was for VS 2005 / Framework 2.0, but
when I used it in an application I C++ am writing using VS 2005 , I got a
bazillion XML errors - all of the form: "Could not find schema information
for the element 'zzz' " where zzz is one of the elements defined by the
schema [e.g., supportedRuntime ] so now I'm thoroughly confused.

Any clarification would be appreciated...
Yes, they are for the .Net 1.1 (MSDN) and .Net 2.0 (MSDN2).

The .Net platform 2.0 uses XSD files to validate the configuration files at
design time. You weren't specific about what sections you got validation
errors on. However, I can tell you that if, for example, you use custom
configuration sections, and don't use the right XSD for validation, you will
get warnings about those sections. It doesn't necessarily mean that they
will not work for you.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer

Presuming that God is "only an idea" -
Ideas exist.
Therefore, God exists.
Thanks, that's what I thought. However, what I don't understand is why the
validation errors occurred under VS 2005 / Framework 2.0 [the section of
current focus is the AppSettings, though I got error on "supportedRuntime "
as well]. How do I make sure that the 'right' XSD is used? I' trying to use a
very straightforward [IMHO] app.config file structure that looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/>
<sectionGroup name="applicationSettings"
type="System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup, System,
Version=2.0.50727, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" >
<section name="WhoIsLoggedOn.ServerNames"
type="System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings, System,
Version=2.0.50727, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" />

<setting name="Server1" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="Server2" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="Server3" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="Server4" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="Server5" serializeAs="String">


but can't get it to work. If I run ignoring the validation errors, I get a
value of 0 for AppSettings.Count so am at a loss to understand what's going
on. I must admit that I have a workaround working sing the 'old style' cofig
file structure - i.e.,

<add key="Server1" value="aaaaa" />...

works just fine. I'd like to be able to leverage the increased flexibility
in other apps, so would like to be able to get it to work.



Kevin Spencer said:
Yes, they are for the .Net 1.1 (MSDN) and .Net 2.0 (MSDN2).

The .Net platform 2.0 uses XSD files to validate the configuration files at
design time. You weren't specific about what sections you got validation
errors on. However, I can tell you that if, for example, you use custom
configuration sections, and don't use the right XSD for validation, you will
get warnings about those sections. It doesn't necessarily mean that they
will not work for you.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer

Presuming that God is "only an idea" -
Ideas exist.
Therefore, God exists.

egottwald said:
Does anyone know what the functions of the two config file schema




are? I originally assumed that [2] was for VS 2005 / Framework 2.0, but
when I used it in an application I C++ am writing using VS 2005 , I got a
bazillion XML errors - all of the form: "Could not find schema information
for the element 'zzz' " where zzz is one of the elements defined by the
schema [e.g., supportedRuntime ] so now I'm thoroughly confused.

Any clarification would be appreciated...