zoom zoom
At the direction of Microsoft Support last summer, I moved my 6 gb personal
folders files to a new Personal Folder and renamed it. All new emails now
flow into my new Personal Folder In box. Both the old and the new Personal
Folders have a folder named "Contacts" -- and at launch I get a dialog box
asking which Contact folder I want to use -- both are named the same. How do
I delete the old Contact folder? When I right click, the dlete is grayed
out. Thanks.
folders files to a new Personal Folder and renamed it. All new emails now
flow into my new Personal Folder In box. Both the old and the new Personal
Folders have a folder named "Contacts" -- and at launch I get a dialog box
asking which Contact folder I want to use -- both are named the same. How do
I delete the old Contact folder? When I right click, the dlete is grayed
out. Thanks.