Hi ,
I create two CommandBarButtons in two seperate projects.I add This buttons to the standard Command bar. When I click one of them the event runs the code of the both AddIns. To solve this problem I add the 'OnAction' property on the creation of the buttons, but it doesn't help, each button runs the code of the both AddIns .
Here the code :
'The first button :
Private Sub CreateButtons(objInspector As Outlook.Inspector)
On Error Resume Next
'Adding a new menu item and a button to the main menu for any Inspector
' must take a different approach if using Word as email editor.
Dim objCB As Office.CommandBar
Dim strKey As String
Set objCB = m_objInsp.CommandBars("standard")
strKey = CStr(m_intID)
strTag = "This string is unique to this button" & strKey
Set cbbFaxButton = objCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=True)
With cbbFaxButton
.ToolTipText = "Send fax"
.Tag = strTag
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.FaceId = 461
.Caption = "fax"
.Visible = True
.OnAction = "<!" & strProgId & ">"
End With
Set objCB = Nothing
End Sub
The .OnAction property get this value :
'*** The second button
Private Sub CreateButtons(objInspector As Outlook.Inspector)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oPic As StdPicture
Dim objCB As Office.CommandBar
Dim strKey As String
Set objCB = objInspector.CommandBars("standard")
strKey = CStr(m_intID)
strTag = "This string is unique to this button" & strKey
Set cbbButton = objCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=True)
With cbbButton
.ToolTipText = "Send to Mrkv"
.Tag = strTag
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = "Mrkv"
.Visible = True
.OnAction = "<!" & strProgId & ">"
End With
Set objCB = Nothing
Set objOutAddIn = Nothing
End Sub
The .OnAction property get this value :
How can I solve this problem ?
I create two CommandBarButtons in two seperate projects.I add This buttons to the standard Command bar. When I click one of them the event runs the code of the both AddIns. To solve this problem I add the 'OnAction' property on the creation of the buttons, but it doesn't help, each button runs the code of the both AddIns .
Here the code :
'The first button :
Private Sub CreateButtons(objInspector As Outlook.Inspector)
On Error Resume Next
'Adding a new menu item and a button to the main menu for any Inspector
' must take a different approach if using Word as email editor.
Dim objCB As Office.CommandBar
Dim strKey As String
Set objCB = m_objInsp.CommandBars("standard")
strKey = CStr(m_intID)
strTag = "This string is unique to this button" & strKey
Set cbbFaxButton = objCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=True)
With cbbFaxButton
.ToolTipText = "Send fax"
.Tag = strTag
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.FaceId = 461
.Caption = "fax"
.Visible = True
.OnAction = "<!" & strProgId & ">"
End With
Set objCB = Nothing
End Sub
The .OnAction property get this value :
'*** The second button
Private Sub CreateButtons(objInspector As Outlook.Inspector)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oPic As StdPicture
Dim objCB As Office.CommandBar
Dim strKey As String
Set objCB = objInspector.CommandBars("standard")
strKey = CStr(m_intID)
strTag = "This string is unique to this button" & strKey
Set cbbButton = objCB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=True)
With cbbButton
.ToolTipText = "Send to Mrkv"
.Tag = strTag
.Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption
.Caption = "Mrkv"
.Visible = True
.OnAction = "<!" & strProgId & ">"
End With
Set objCB = Nothing
Set objOutAddIn = Nothing
End Sub
The .OnAction property get this value :
How can I solve this problem ?