Tweak VI

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rod Davies
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Rod I have installed it but really have not messed with it much....I want to
learn a little more about it first...Not really what you wanted to hear I am
sure but thought I would mention it anyways
Tks Drew...I will let it go I think...why mess wuth a stable, useable and
(for me) hugely likeable system anyways?

Yes... on the free level. Works just fine on both my 32 bit Vista Ultimate
notebook, and my test platform.
has been reported by many people to cause problems with vista.
nothing available in the free version not already in vista.
gotta buy the upgraded one to get anything worth while.

and the author has a bad attitude.

be very careful if you try to use it.

like a few other tuners, it seemed to make changes just because you run it, not because you asked it to.

(e-mail address removed)

Anyone installed and using it?

Rod Davies said:
Anyone installed and using it?

Stay away from Tweak VI. The basic version gives you nothing you don't
already have and the paid version has the potential to cause many problems.
Of course, this is information based upon my personal experiences with the