Tweak FOLDER RT-Clk Menu



I'm looking for constraints on changing order or names in folder
right-click menu, especially in top portion of the menu which is
defined at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell &

I thought there were none but then I had a
major problem with Windows Explorer when I tried to
move the OPEN entry down in the menu by renaming it
z_OPEN . So before I attempt more tweaks, I thought
I would get some guidance here. The Knowledge Base
yielded nothing usefull. Any reference material on Web
might be helpful.

Background: by experimentation, I learned how to rename
and reorder the menu entries & change underlined
activation letter. These have worked well for past
three months . The before & after top most portion of
folder rt-clk menu is at
The highlighted items in the before menu on the left
were removed when applications were uninstalled. Top
of the Menu (denoted by %1 in Registry) is defined
at (a)HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell & (b)
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell. All entries in (a)
are listed before those in (b) in the menu.

Your help is MUCH appreciated. Thanks- bye- Larry
Any advice is my attempt to contribute more than I have received but I can only assure you that it works on my PC. GOOD LUCK.


Larry(LJL269) wrote ::
I'm looking for constraints on changing order or names in folder
right-click menu, especially in top portion of the menu which is
defined at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell &

I thought there were none but then I had a
major problem with Windows Explorer when I tried to
move the OPEN entry down in the menu by renaming it
z_OPEN . So before I attempt more tweaks, I thought
I would get some guidance here. The Knowledge Base
yielded nothing usefull. Any reference material on Web
might be helpful.

To move the items, just rename the key name (not the value). But note that
the default action will always remain on top.

One more thing, if the shell key's default value is none or blank then
explorer will use the open key. If there is valid value is defined in
shell's default value then windows will use that. E.g.-

[HKCR\Something\Shell] -- Default=xyz
[HKCR\Something\xyz\command] -- Default=c:\zzz.exe
[HKCR\Something\open\command] -- Default=c:\yyy.exe

in this case, explorer will run zzz.exe because the value-data of shell
key is xyz and a subkey exists with the name xyz. If the value-data of
shell key is blank or none or not valid then explorer will run the open
subkey's command.

Good Luck, Ayush.


Greetings Ayush & thank you for your response.

Originally I just wanted to shorten menu names but then thought of
grouping like items together (like MS Search & Ransack Search), add
some activation keys, & put often used entries at top of rt-clk menu.

I assume there is no problem moving items out of 1 of 5 portions of
menu into another. What keys define the other 4 portions (2-5) of
folder rt-clk menu ?

Comments/suggestions/corrections appreciated.
Your help is MUCH appreciated. Thanks- bye- Larry

Larry(LJL269) wrote ::
I'm looking for constraints on changing order or names in folder
right-click menu, especially in top portion of the menu which is
defined at HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell &

I thought there were none but then I had a
major problem with Windows Explorer when I tried to
move the OPEN entry down in the menu by renaming it
z_OPEN . So before I attempt more tweaks, I thought
I would get some guidance here. The Knowledge Base
yielded nothing usefull. Any reference material on Web
might be helpful.

To move the items, just rename the key name (not the value). But note that
the default action will always remain on top.

One more thing, if the shell key's default value is none or blank then
explorer will use the open key. If there is valid value is defined in
shell's default value then windows will use that. E.g.-

[HKCR\Something\Shell] -- Default=xyz
[HKCR\Something\xyz\command] -- Default=c:\zzz.exe
[HKCR\Something\open\command] -- Default=c:\yyy.exe

in this case, explorer will run zzz.exe because the value-data of shell
key is xyz and a subkey exists with the name xyz. If the value-data of
shell key is blank or none or not valid then explorer will run the open
subkey's command.

Good Luck, Ayush.

Any advice is my attempt to contribute more than I have received but I can only assure you that it works on my PC. GOOD LUCK.


Larry(LJL269) wrote ::
Greetings Ayush & thank you for your response.

Originally I just wanted to shorten menu names but then thought of
grouping like items together (like MS Search & Ransack Search), add
some activation keys, & put often used entries at top of rt-clk menu.

I assume there is no problem moving items out of 1 of 5 portions of
menu into another.
What keys define the other 4 portions (2-5) of
folder rt-clk menu ?




things like Cut, Copy, Create Shortcut, Paste, Properties etc. for folders
are not present in registry.

Good Luck, Ayush.

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