Hey, I don't really know anything about TV viewing on the PC. My dad is
getting a new computer, and I'm trying to figure out a good graphics card to
get (I make all the computer decisions
He likes to play games, but he
is not bleeding edge. We'd much rather have a reasonable price and play
last year's game rather than pay out the nose for something just because
it's brand new. Having said that, he'd like to play Doom 3, but not
necessarily at full force. And he'd like to be able to play games that come
out over the next year. He is not into playing games at full quality - for
example 800x600 would probably be fine, as long as the game still runs more
or less stutter free and has a few of the newer bells and whistles compared
to, say, Spear of Destiny
So, we also figured watcing TV in a window would be great. So I'm thinking
along the lines of All-in-Wonder 9800. Is it as simple as plugging a cable
from cable TV into it? Can he select all the channels he wants without
using the box and having to chang the channel on his box? (assuming he
can't get the channels that require the box) Can he size the TV window to
any size? TV on the computer noob here - any comments welcome....
getting a new computer, and I'm trying to figure out a good graphics card to
get (I make all the computer decisions

is not bleeding edge. We'd much rather have a reasonable price and play
last year's game rather than pay out the nose for something just because
it's brand new. Having said that, he'd like to play Doom 3, but not
necessarily at full force. And he'd like to be able to play games that come
out over the next year. He is not into playing games at full quality - for
example 800x600 would probably be fine, as long as the game still runs more
or less stutter free and has a few of the newer bells and whistles compared
to, say, Spear of Destiny

So, we also figured watcing TV in a window would be great. So I'm thinking
along the lines of All-in-Wonder 9800. Is it as simple as plugging a cable
from cable TV into it? Can he select all the channels he wants without
using the box and having to chang the channel on his box? (assuming he
can't get the channels that require the box) Can he size the TV window to
any size? TV on the computer noob here - any comments welcome....